EC 2020 in Kaliningrad

Dear boat racers, I have the pleasure to announce the official invitation to the Naviga Open EC 2020 in M and NS classes. I strongly hope that the corona virus epidemic will be over and will not affect or overrule our plans. You can view and download the documents by clicking the links below. Please …

result of votes

Hello my friends, National M section leaders, Thank you all for the replies, in total i received 13 replies out of a total of 19 countries. 1 country never got the info because of only since saturday last i received the correct list of affiliated countries! After counting all the votes a majority of 10 …

Technical Committee Meeting WC 2019

As decided at the TC Meeting of August 7th 2019 in Treviso, Italy by 11 votes in favor (12 if we include France who unfortunately were not present at meeting) against 4 and 1 abstention, we will from now on use limiters only with exception of the mini classes (will be decided at later stage). …

Groups for World Championship

Hi guys, here are the groups (provisional) for the World Championship. Please check for any possible error or miss, BUT!!!! Only the National M section Leader will report these. Individual comments are not accepted. Walter   WC2019-groups-0714

PROVISIONAL!!! time table and participants

Hi all,   hereby a provisional timeplan for the 2019 M class World Championship. Mind you, it is provisional so it could still be changed here and there. Also a list of all classes is included, with the intention of these to be checked by all the National Section Leaders for any error(s). If found, …


Dear all, After discussing and reading comments made by you, certain parts in the Rulebook are not clear or explicit enough. There fore the following correction(s) are to be observed: 1) The part of the hull color has been altered to the following text: At least 33% of the top and bottom of the boat …

Proposals towards TC meeting Treviso 2019

Hello my friends, As stated in the Rulebook, all proposals to the Technical Committee meeting have to be sent in 8 weeks before the start of the un coming World Championship. So there are the proposals that i received in order as i got them. Please read them carefully, discus them and form your opinion, …