FSR-V section Rules (Fuel correction)

My dear friends, An error occured in the updated FSR-V section Rulebook. As per 02.02.2022 the EU regulation in regard to the use of Nitro restricts the use of Nitro to max 16% (in weight), we (Naviga) have to obey that guideline and thus restrict the use of Nitro to that max percentage. By an …

Interclubs European Cup class C “TIMCEC” 2023

Timisoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture -Organising between 08-12 May 2023- Interclubs European Cup “TIMCEC” -Ship modelling Class C -Address: Aurora – Complex Turistic si Sportiv; Str. Lacului nr. 1 Timisoara-Romania Organizers:  -Sports Club municipal Timisoara                  -Cultural House municipal Timisoara              -Ship Modelling  Romanian Federation Main organizer: …


President report for 2022: My dear friends, As we come to the end of another year it is time to look back on 2022. At the start of the year we all had high hopes that finally life would return to how it was before and indeed, several of the restrictions were slowly lifted due …

Invitation for WC E class Slovakia .

Section E World Championship 2023 has been announced. Time and place: 03-10.2023 Rimavská Sobota- Kurinec, Slovakia. For more information please check E Section.World Championship E class .3(1) Related Images:

Some more clarification.

My dear friends, In regard to situation about the WC Section M in Slovakia 2023 there seems to be some serious misunderstandings concerning the parallel WC in Section E! The plan is to run 2 classes in Section E, which is the newly described E20 class in which both electric FSR-E style boats run together …

Some Clarification

My dear friends I need  to clarify some aspects concerning the FSR-v 3,5 Std races and the E 20min std races , that will be held  during by the Section E WC championship that will be organise  in parallel with the Section M championship in Slovakia next year . The FSR-V 3,5 Std will have …

New race

Class Endurance 20 Std- Class FSR-V 3,5 Std. My dear friends, hire are the rules of the new class in E section  the E 20 min Std In such classes like FSR-V 3.5 Std will run both as only IC boats and in a mixed class where IC and electric boats will run together. Also …

Section M WC in Slovakia

Section M World Championship 2023 has been announced. Time and place: 03-10. August, 2023 Rimavská Sobota- Kurinec, Slovakia. For more information please check M Section page os simply click here. Related Images:

FSR-V 3.5 standard

After consulting with Mr Yang, the FSR-V Section Leader we find it long overdue that Naviga did not declare the 3.5cc standard class an official class in Naviga. Especially in view of the growing interest in this class we decided to make this class an official Naviga class. The basic principles for this class are …

Section M leader report EC 2022

  REPORT on NAVIGA M Section EC 2022 Bucharest, Romania Dear Presidium, After 3 years of obligate pause, finally we could hold an Open European Championship in Bucharest. Due to happenings in February and after suspension of the membership of Russia, we had to find new location and organiser federation. Romania undertook to organize the …

The Final of the International NAVIGA Polish Championships FSR-V classes. 2nd Round of the International Polish Championships FSR NAVIGA POLSKA of the FSR-V class models.

The Final of the International NAVIGA Polish Championships FSR-V classes. 2nd Round of the International Polish Championships FSR NAVIGA POLSKA of the FSR-V class models. Date / Date: September 17-18, 2022 Organizers / Organizers: Mayor of the City of Brzeg Dolny, Brzeg Dolny Commune, Section FSR NAVIGA Polska, Association ALKA National Defense League Location / …

Life long ban

Sometimes we have to be the bearer of bad news too, and emposing a ban on someone is never an easy decision so please allow me to clarify the situation a bit. Certain things far beyond the control of anyone happened at the European Championship class M forced us to take this decision. For this …

Call for hosting the Section S World Championships

Dear sailors. As of now, I do not have any proposals for holding a World Championship in 2023 in section S. I know the situation is difficult. There is still Covid-19 around and the war in Ukrainia influences even radio sailing. Originally Ukrainia agreed to host the Championships in 2023 (back in 1921) but I …

Title rule change in M Section Team races

Dear boat modelers, my friends, Upon clever suggestion I have asked the Presidium, to make a change in title awarding rule in case of team classes. As you know, the number of teams is limited to 1 team per country, while this number is set to max. 5 racers in other classes. So far title …


To the Presidium of NAVIGA Dear Mr. President, Dear Sirs, It is with great regret that I am obliged to inform you that the leadership of BFKS, together with the leader of Section A/B in the person of Mr. Gracha Shahazizyan was forced to cancel the World Championship in class A/B which was to take …

Cancellation of the EC in Mályi

Dear modellers. I regret to inform you that the European Championship (NS) and the international judge meeting (NS) has been cancelled because of the war in Ukraine that is taking place nearby. Best regards, Janos Kornis. Related Images:

M Section EC in Bucharest

Dear M Secton Racers, Important data has been pulished about about EC 2022.  For more information please go to M Section pages.  Regards,  Csaba Related Images:

Membership fee payments for 2022

Dear members, Every year there is that moment that the Membership fees need to be payed, and most of our Members act swiftly upon the request for payment, but for some countries reminders need to be sent and it almost comes down to begging from our part to get the Membership fee all together! I …

NS Judge meeting

Dear modelers, I would like to announce the international judge meeting we will be holding in Mályi during the European Championships from 19 August to 21 August. For further information, please check my post on the NS Page. Best Regards, Janos Kornis Related Images:

Clarification on Naviga’s decision

Hello boat modelers all over the World, today we received a letter from the Belarus Federation stating they do not agree to Naviga ‘s decision to suspend the membership of Russia and Belarus. I will publish the letter we received and also our answer. As mentioned before Naviga does not want to be drawn into …