Assembly General info

Dear fellow ship modellers, As stipulated per Naviga Statutes there is an Assembly General Meeting every 2 years. 2023 is such a year where we should have an AGM, and since the last Presidium election were held in 2019 our term of presiding comes to an end in 2023. Therefore, each and every country received …

End Results WC-2023 Slovakia class E

Dear Beloved Friends, I hope this post finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we wrap up a week filled with a blend of sunshine, refreshing rainfall, and even a spirited dance with a windstorm, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey we’ve shared. This week’s rollercoaster of weather seemed …

EU Series FSR-V updated ranking

Hi guys and girls, here s the update on the raking for the EU Series after the Duchov event. Only the final event to go now in Brzeg for the end result. Walter Rangliste EC-Serie 2023 Stand 02.07.2023 Related Images:

Updated ranking EU Series FSR-V after the second race

Hi guys and girls, Here s the updated ranking after the Jawor race. Remember 3 results out of 4 count for the overall ranking but only for those particpants who are affiliated to Naviga trough their National Federation. Walter Rangliste EC-Serie 2023 Stand 22.06.2023 Related Images:

Current records

Hi all, with the WorldChampionships in class M close and records being made to be improved, here s the list of current records in F1 and F3. A big thanks to Jacek Dwonkowski for keeping these updated! Walter Related Images:

Ranking for the EU series in FSR-V

Hi guys, here is the ranking for the EU series FSR-V 2023 as it is now. As you all know there are 4 races planned and the overall European Champion will be crowned by the best 3 results out of those 4. This list will be updated after each of the 4 events, a big …

Registration for M and E Sections WC.

Dear model boat racers, my dear friends, Let me ask you to do me a favour. It is mid May, we have two weeks before the registration time ends for the M and E Sections World Championship. Anyone who has ever been a member of an organising team or at least was close to it …

missing info

Hello all, By popular demand and to have a direct way to contact the Naviga Presidium i included my personal e mail to my name on the “Presidium page”. That way anyone can contact me directly and if needed i can always forward the question should it be specificly directed at anyone else in te …

FSR-V EU cup

Ladies and Gentlemen, despite asking several times what the situation is in regard to the planned EU Cup FSR-V i got zero feedback at all. It makes me seriously wonder about the whole idea! I asked certain racers to help set up the event, but no answer at all, pitty really! Walter Geens Related Images:

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP NAVIGA “C” 2023, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)

Data for the calendar of competitions Date: 22-29 SEPTEMBER 2023 Type of event: World Championship NAVIGA C Class(es): С-1, С-2, С-3 (A, B, C, D), С-4 (A, B, C, D), С-5, С-6, С-7 and C-8 Location/Country: Czech republic/ Jablonec nad Nisou Info and contacts: Other information will be published as soon as possible   …

Registration form WC Section M &E Slovakia 2023

Hi guys, Here’s the link to the registration form for the World Championships in Section M and Section E in Slovakia 2023. Registration Form WORLD Championship Naviga M – E 2023 ( Hope to see you all in big numbers there!!! Walter Related Images: