Registration for M and E Sections WC.

Dear model boat racers, my dear friends,

Let me ask you to do me a favour. It is mid May, we have two weeks before the registration time ends for the M and E Sections World Championship. Anyone who has ever been a member of an organising team or at least was close to it knows, that the administrative work, making the time schedule, composing groups with the least possible collisions in the speed and group categories, handling registration errors and finally build up a sceleton of the entire event is a time consuming and tiring work. If you wait with your registration till the deadline, many data will arrive in the last moments, overloading the administrative staff.
So I kindly ask you to make your registration or have your registration made by your team leader as soon as possible depending on how you used to do it.
I heard, there are some of you who reserved rooms in two hotels parallel for the same time and person(s). It prevents others to have accomodation near the lake and also can be expensive, so please clear the situation with the hotel.
Information about the camping: Camping guests can visit the aquapark for free.
So once again, please make your registration, if you have not done so, don’t wait till the end of May!


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