Summary of votes AGM 2021

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen of Naviga,


Due to circumstances that need no more explanation, the 2021 Assembly General Meeting took place in a somewhat different way from how it was normally held. Because travelling and meeting in person would have been quite complicated to almost impossible for some of our members,  the Presidium decided to opt for an online (video conference) meeting of the Presidium members which took place on saturday October 30. After this meeting an e mail was drafted by the Secretary General with the minutes of this meeting and it also included 1 item that needed to be voted on. A deadline for answering this questions was set for November 21, leaving ample time for all to reflect and decide upon your answers. Also each country got votes as per the situation before Covid since in 2020 membership fee was reduced to only a basic fee of 100€ per country. We felt it to be the most honest to award those votes as each member country payed the membership fee in 2019, or the last year of the normal contribution fee for Naviga.
First of all let me remind you that in order to have a valid AGM, a certain quorum needed to be reached. That quorum being 50%+1 means that out of the total 82 votes at least 42 votes needed to be answered by e mail.
The total number of votes that was sent back comes to 59 votes, which means that any decision made by the Assembly General Meeting is valid.
If we now look at the votes in detail: proposal A received 26 votes in favor whilst proposal B received 22 votes with a total of 6 abstentions. If we now look at the votes against there were for proposal A 27 votes against but for proposal B there were 31 votes against, again with 6 abstentions. Now anyone who can count should inmediately spot that the total of votes cast, should always be 59, but in both cases this is not the case. 1 country voted in favor of both proposals and another country voted against both, which leads to a very un-natural outcome of votes!
If we now add the votes as cast by the Presidium members ( note that they are not added to make the quorum so it could never be said the Presidium used their votes to make the needed quorum) we see that the situation comes to 32 votes in favor for proposal A and 26 votes in favor of proposal B with a grand total of 7 abstentions, whilst 26 votes were against proposal A and 37 votes were against proposal B again with 7 abstentions.
By this count and by democratic voting it means that proposal A ( the organizer beares 50% of the cost of accomodation and food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the Judge for the whole duration of the Championship) was accepted and will be put in the General Competition Rules of 2022.
We, the Presidium find it a pity not all of you answered this question and also find it a missed opportunity to decide on such a delicate issue for those who did not answer.
Walter Geens
Naviga President

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